External Whistleblowing in the Public Service: A Necessarily Messy Practice


  • Clark Kristian Jang Dalhousie University




Whistleblowing in the Canadian public service is a complex problem and poses a dilemma: while disclosures can increase organizational effectiveness, they challenge the authority of an organization and cause moral and legal complications. This paper provides an examination of whistleblowing and three reasons why  external whistleblowing should not be practiced, namely because of the existence of internal mechanisms, disruptions in ministerial responsibility, and conflicting ideas of loyalty and the public interest. Through this analysis, the paper recommends the strengthening of internal reporting mechanisms to limit external disclosures made in the public service.

Author Biography

Clark Kristian Jang, Dalhousie University

Clark Jang is a candidate in the Master of Public Administration program at Dalhousie University. He obtained his Bachelor of Journalism (First Class Honours) at the University of King‘s College in 2013. Clark submitted this paper for an Organizational Design course where he researched whistleblowing in Canada‘s public service. 


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