Provisional Notes on the Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals of Nova Scotia (Curatorial Report #46)
endangered species, rare plants, rare animalsAbstract
During the summer of 1981 a program was supported by the Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, to research data on the occurrence and distribution of rare and endangered plant and animal species in Nova Scotia. The research was carried out at the Nova Scotia Museum, by using its files and records to obtain most of the data which have been compiled in this report. Species of plants, insects, crustaceans, molluscs, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds were selected upon the advice of specialists. The distribution and habitat of each species is briefly described along with comments on its vulnerability and maps indicating sites at which it is known to occur. For birds, only a species list has been produced because the time available to produce this report was insufficient to deal with the vast amount of available information. The main purpose of this report is to provide guidance to those involved in writing or reviewing impact assessments of various environmental activities in Nova Scotia and to those concerned with protecting the natural environment of Nova Scotia.
Please note: This resource is presented as originally published. The content of older reports may not reflect the current state of knowledge on the topic documented. Please be aware of this when using this resource.