Call for Submissions: Special Issue on "Hidden Europe"


The Dalhousie Review is currently soliciting submissions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction that explore the complexities of historical and contemporary European identities and that present European life in ways that may be unfamiliar to contemporary readers. Submissions are invited from both established and emerging writers, although we are particularly interested in publishing work by emerging writers who have begun to establish themselves in Europe but are not necessarily well-known in Canada. While we welcome submissions from countries in western Europe (France, Germany, Italy, etc.), we are also interested in publishing work from smaller countries in central and eastern Europe (including Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, etc.) as well as work from Europe‘s western edge (such as Iceland and the Faroe Islands). Submissions should be sent to guest editor Jerry White (J.White@USask.Ca) by no later than April 1, 2021. For more information, please contact