French Colonial Education and the Making of the Francophone African Bourgeoisie


  • Mohamed Kamara


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible



Biographie de l'auteur-e

Mohamed Kamara

Mohamed Kamara, Assistant Professor of French at Washington and Lee University has studied French and Francophone African Studies at Fourah Bay College, École Normale Supérieure de Fontenay St. Cloud (now ENS-Lyon), Purdue University and Tulane University. A recipient of the Class of 1965 Endowment Award for Excellence in Teaching for the organization of a colloquium on Theory and African literatures and cinema, he has presented papers at a number of scholarly conferences on many areas of French and Francophone literatures. He bas articles in press on capitalism and bourgeois 'arrivism' in Africa, the plays of Yulisa Amadu Maddy and the work of Abdelkébir Khatibi. He is currently working on a book manuscript on the bourgeoisie in sub-Saharan Francophone African literature.




