Entre la banalité et la marginalité : refus et quête du sens dans La vie matérielle de Marguerite Duras


  • Edward J. Hughes


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Edward J. Hughes

Edward J. Hughes is Senior Lecturer in French at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is the author of Marcel Proust: A Study in the Quality of Awareness (Cambridge University Press, 1983) and of Albert Camus: Le premier homme / La peste (University of Glasgow French and German Publications, 1995), and the co-editor of Constructing Memories: Camus, Algeria and Le premier homme (University of Stirling French Publications, 1998). He has published numerous articles on Proust, Camus, Duras and Balzac, and is currently writing a book on cultural marginality in twentieth-century French literature.

