Reviews – Compte rendus


  • Hans R. Runte
  • Gavin Bowd
  • Edmund Campion
  • D.R. Gamble
  • David J. Bond
  • Édouard M. Langille
  • Jeannette Gaudet
  • Mark D. Lee
  • Ira Ashcroft
  • Vittorio Frigerio
  • Kelly-Anne Maddox


Maddox, Donald. Fictions of Identity in Medieval France. By Hans R. Runte

Higgitt, John. The Murthly Hours: Devotion, Literacy and Luxury in Paris, England and the Gaelic West. By Hans R. Runte

Jewers, Caroline A. Chivalric Fiction and the History of the Novel. By Hans R. Runte

Karczewska, Kathryn, and Tom Conley, eds. The World and Its Rival: Essay on Literary Imagination in Honor of Per Nykrog. By Hans R. Runte

Bolovan, Margaret M. A Mazing of the Text: The Search for Significatio in the Labyrinth of French Poetics. By Gavin Bowd

Jomphe, Claudine. Les théories de la « dispositio » et le grand oeuvre de Ronsard. By Edmund J. Campion

Rutlidge, Jean-Jacques. Les comédiens ou Le foyer. Le bureau d'esprit. Le train de Paris ou Les bourgeois du temps. By D. R. Gambie

Wilson, W. Donald. La structure de dédoublement: objectivité et mythe dans Les Thibault de Roger Martin du Gard. By David J. Bond

Cohen, Albert. Book of My Mother. By Édouard M. Langille

Connor, Peter Tracey. Georges Bataille and the Mysticism of Sin. By David J. Bond

Allen, James Smith. Poignant Relations: Three Modern French Women. By Jeannette Gaudet

Stevens, Sonya, ed. A History of Women's Writing in France. By Jeannette Gaudet

Jefferson, Ann. Nathalie Sarraute: Fiction and Theory: Questions of Difference. By Mark D. Lee

Verdaguer, Pierre. La séduction policière: signes de croissance d'un genre réputé mineur: Pierre Magnan, Daniel Pennac et quelques autres. Par Ira Ashcroft

Koreman, Megan. The Expectation of Justice: France 1944-1946. Par Vittorio Frigerio

Bosher, J. F. The Gaullist Attack on Canada, 1967-1997. By Kelly-Anne Maddox





