Les épreuves du labyrinthe : en guise d'avant propos


  • Richard-Laurent Barnett


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Richard-Laurent Barnett

Richard-Laurent Barnett is Dean of the Graduate School and Frederick A. Treuhaft Distinguished Professor at Marygrove College, Detroit. He holds concurrent appointments as Carnegie/Danforth Senior Research Fellow, Senior Fellow of the Institute for Humanistic Research at Oxford, and Honorary Fellow of the Center for European and Inter-Cultural Studies in Brussels. He is General Editor of three recently founded, European-based journals: Textualities: Studies in Applied Contemporary Theory, Exégèse : revue d'études franco-africaines, and Review of Comparative Studies. His extensive writings include fourteen books and collective volumes and more than one hundred and sixty scholarly articles, most of which are devoted to theoretical constructs and to the applications of contemporary, post-modern theory. Forthcoming works include: The Adversarial Text, Herméneutique et indicible, La double ablation, Inoperative Tropes: Discourses of Auto-Subversion, Les au-delà  du texte: parcours sémiotiques. Recent studies have appeared in: Revue d'histoire du théâtre, Degrés: revue de synthèse à  orientation sémiologique, Poétique, Littérature, Symposium, Modern Language Notes, Orbis Litterarum, Romanic Review, Travaux de littérature, Revue de littérature comparée, Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate, Shakespeare Studies, Modem Language Review, Cambridge Quarterly, Semiotica, and Sémiotexte. Dr. Barnett is the recipient of numerous national and international fellowships, grants, honors and awards, among them the recently-bestowed Thurgood Marshall Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching, and the Prix Girard-Frénaud in applied contemporary theory presented by the Association de presses universitaires.


