Dionysius‘ On Divine Names Revisited: A Structural Analysis


  • Stephen Gersh


Author Biography

Stephen Gersh

Stephen Gersh graduated at Cambridge University. He was a Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, from 1973, where he taught classical languages and ancient philosophy, and has been Professor of Medieval Studies and Concurrent Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame since 1986. He was Solomon Katz Professor of the Humanities at the University of Washington, Seattle, in 2001 and has held visiting fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, and at Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. His books include: Kinesis Akinetos: A Study of Spiritual Motion in the Philosophy of Proclus (Brill, 1973), From Iamblichus to Eriugena (Brill, 1978) (revised Italian edition, Edizioni di pagina, 2009), Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism: The Latin Tradition, two volumes (Notre Dame, 1986), Concord in Discourse (Mouton de Gruyter, 1996), Reading Plato, Tracing Plato (Aldershot, 2005), Neoplatonism after Derrida: Parallelograms (Brill, 2006), in addition to numerous edited and co-edited volumes. Among his current projects, Interpreting Proclus: From Antiquity to the Renaissance will appear with Cambridge University Press in 2011 or 2012. He may be reached at Stephen.E.Gersh.1@nd.edu.





