Attitudes and Expectations of Graduating Canadian Medical Students Toward Their Future - Step 1: Dalhousie University Medical School


  • Crispen Gray Richards Faculty of Medicine Dalhousie University



With the ongoing climate changes in Canadian medical practice, there is some concern that this country will be unable to provide the potential lifestyles that its future physicians will demand.  This study aims to take the first step in the process of gathering information on the attitudes and expectations of graduating Canadian medical students for the purposes of developing a basis against which to compare predictions for the future.  Dalhousie University was used as the starting point for this study and numerous insights were gained into the factors that influence the decisions made by the students at that school.  The next logical step is to apply the survey to graduating classes at all Canadian medical schools.  It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this survey about the expectations of Canadian medical students can be compared both to current working conditions for practicing physicians and to predicted future practice patterns.  Addressing discrepancies between expectations and realities will improve retention and career satisfaction among Canadian physicians.



How to Cite

Richards, C. G. (2001). Attitudes and Expectations of Graduating Canadian Medical Students Toward Their Future - Step 1: Dalhousie University Medical School. DALHOUSIE MEDICAL JOURNAL, 29(1).



Original Research