“Une grâce, une modestie, un sérieux”: The Reforming Neo-Classicism of Sedaine‘s Philosophe sans le savoir.


  • D.R. Gamble


Cet article a pour but d‘expliquer comment la pièce de Michel-Jean Sedaine, Le Philosophe sans le savoir (1765), réputée l‘exemple le plus réussi du drame bourgeois, se caractérise non seulement par les innovations dramatiques préconisées par Diderot dans ses écrits sur la scène, mais par divers aspects marquants du mouvement esthétique réformateur qui a dominé la dernière moitié du dix-huitième siècle, et que l‘on appelle aujourd‘hui le néo-classicisme.

The objective of this article is to explain how Michel-Jean Sedaine‘s play Le Philosophe sans le savoir (1765), considered the most successful example of the drame bourgeois, is characterised not only by the theatrical innovations advocated by Diderot in his writing on drama, but by central aspects of the reforming aesthetic movement that dominated the last half of the eighteenth century, and which has come to be known as neo-classicism.

Author Biography

D.R. Gamble

D. R. Gamble studied French and German literature at the University of Toronto before taking a D.Phil. at the University of Oxford. He is interested in French and comparative literature and has published widely on Alfred de Musset, also on André Chénier and Jean Giraudoux. He has taught French, and occasionally Italian, at universities primarily in eastern Canada.

