Symbolic Structure in George Sand's François le Champi


  • Romira M. Worvill


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Romira M. Worvill

Romira Worvill is an Associate professor of French at Acadia University in Nova Scotia. She is a specialist in eighteenth-century literature and has a published a book (2005) and a number of articles (1994, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003) on the connections between the new dramatic aesthetics elaborated by Diderot and the contemporary discourse on the art of painting. The work of George Sand has long been a subject of persona! interest and she is currently engaged in research into some of the eighteenth-century sources of George Sand's writings and thought. She often works in the field of comparative literature and, in addition to the above-mentioned book, has two articles (one published in 2008, one forthcoming) on G.E. Lessing and works of French literature.




