

  • Hans R. Runte
  • Alain Nabarra
  • Victor Kocay
  • Frédéric Fladenmuller
  • Edward J. Gallagher
  • D.R. Gamble
  • Thomas J.D. Armbrecht
  • Mark D. Lee
  • Steven Winspur
  • Kelly-Anne Maddox


Hunt, Tony, ed. Les paraboles maistre Alain en françoys. Modern Humanities Research Association Critical Texts 2. London: MHRA, 2005. By Hans R. Runte.

Werner, Stephen. The Comic Philosophes. Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Sade. Birmingham : Summa Publications, 2002. By Alain Nabarra.

Marvick, Louis. Waking the Face That No One Is: A Study in the Musical Context of Symbolist Poetics. Rodopi: Amsterdam; New York, NY., 2004. Par Victor Kocay.

Pugh, Anthony R. The Growth of A la recherche du temps perdu: a chronological examination of Proust's manuscripts from 1909 to 1914. Volume I: 1909-1911. Volume II: 1911-1914. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. Par Frédéric Fladenmuller.

Mauriac, François. Thérèse Desqueyroux. Translated by Raymond N. MacKenzie. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield [A Sheed & Ward Book], 2005. By Edward J. Gallagher.

Frances M. Edge. Vercors: Le Silence de la mer. London: Grant & Cutler Ltd., 2004. By D.R. Gamble.

Holland, Michael. Ionesco: La Cantatrice Chauve and Les Chaises. Critical Guides to French Texts 133. London: Grant & Cutler LTD, 2004. By Thomas J. D. Armbrecht.

Hart, Kevin and Geoffrey H. Hartman, eds. The power of contestation: perspectives on Maurice Blanchot. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore: 2004. Par Frédéric Fladenmuller.

Amanieux, Laureline. Amélie Nothomb : L'Éternelle affamée. Paris Albin Michel, 2005. Par Mark D. Lee.

Pautrot, Jean-Louis, and Christian Allègre, eds. Pascal Quignard, ou le noyau incommunicable. Etudes françaises 40.2. Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004 & Brouillette, Marc André, ed. Le Corps des mots. Lectures de Jean Tortel. Etudes françaises 40.3. Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004. By Steven Winspur.

Carrière, Marie. Writing in the Feminine in French and English Canada: A Question of Ethics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. By Kelly-Anne Maddox.





