Espace fermé, espace ouvert : Proust à  la recherche du familier


  • Sanda Badescu


The limited space of the room acquires unique significations in Proust. The work In Search of Lost Time is built on numerous oppositions that are also expressed at the level of space: the novelist reveals how a room can be either threatening or welcoming, depending on the imagination that is invested in it. Thus, the child narrator's bedroom, benevolent, can become a torment when night falls and he has to be alone, and the hotel room, threatening and disturbing, can turn into a quiet and reassuring space thanks to the intervention of the female character, namely the grandmother. The duality of the two sides, familiar and foreign, contains an antithesis but also a complementarity which are fundamental to the initiation and experience of the future writer.

Author Biography

Sanda Badescu

Sanda Badescu enseigne la langue et la littérature françaises à  l‘Université de l‘àŽle-du- Prince-Édouard au Canada. Ses intérêts portent sur le genre autobiographique, la maladie et la mélancolie chez Montaigne, Madame de Sévigné, Catherine Pozzi et Marcel Proust. Elle est l‘autrice de la monographie Madame de Sévigné et Michel de Montaigne : l‘écriture intime à  la lettre et à  l‘essai (Edwin Mellen Press) et l‘éditrice de From One Shore to Another : Reflections on the Symbolism of the Bridge (Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Son plus récent article, « Catherine Pozzi et Marcel Proust : La toilette féminine comme objet artistique », a paru dans Femmes et Luxe. Perspectives littéraires, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, en 2022.

