Par-delà l’exil : La grand-parentalité comme clé de la construction identitaire dans L’exil selon Julia


  • Pooja Booluck-Miller


Although terms such as “in-between”, “non-place” and “displacement” are commonly associated with the reality of migrants, they can also be applied to the condition of the elderly. In L’exil selon Julia by Gisèle Pineau, the journey of the eponymous character, an elderly migrant of Caribbean origin, demonstrates how this triple identity can generate and exacerbate a sense of otherness. This article not only highlights the work of nostalgia and melancholy in a new environment, but it also analyzes Julia’s creativity and resilience in creating her own Guadeloupe in France.

Author Biography

Pooja Booluck-Miller

Pooja Booluck-Miller est professeure adjointe en littératures francophones à l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick (Saint-Jean). Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la représentation du traumatisme et de la migration africaine et caribéenne dans la littérature jeunesse.

