Philippe Vilain, ’o francese : lecture socio-anthropologique de l’expérience napolitaine du passage du statut d’étranger à celui d’adopté


  • Florian Villain-Carapella Université Paris Cité


The aim of this paper is to interpret the special place of Naples in Philippe Vilain’s work. In the light of socio-anthropological considerations on the significance of adoption in certain traditional Neapolitan practices, we will attempt to support the hypothesis that the transition from the status of foreign traveller to that of adopted Neapolitan constitutes the culmination of an original literary process that bases its autofictional device on the need to make what Vilain calls “the orphaned voice of the I” heard, and to go beyond it.

Author Biography

Florian Villain-Carapella, Université Paris Cité

ATER en sociologie à l’université de Caen et membre du M.A.U.S.S., Florian Villain-
Carapella termine une thèse à l’université Paris Cité (LCSP) sur le thème du culte
napolitain des âmes du Purgatoire.

