L‘écriture introspective de Charles d‘Orléans ou la recherche d‘une nouvelle poétique de l‘image « En la forest de Longue Actente »


  • Carole Bauguion


In Charles of Orleans‘ lyrical poetry allegory was much more than a mere stylistic device. Many personifications and avant-garde landscapes are something of an enigma to a present-day reader. The purpose of this paper is to analyse some allegorical creations reflecting the ups and downs of the poet‘s life. His introspective imagery is not always associated with the enclosed space of a jail or a besieged fortress. The poet may wander “In the forest of noyous hevynes”, or “of long awaiting” in which Fortune had compelled him to be “The man forlost that wot not where he goth”.

Author Biography

Carole Bauguion

Carole Bauguion, Maître de conférences à  l‘U.C.O d‘Angers, a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en 2001 à  l‘Université Paris IV- Sorbonne sur La poésie moyen-anglaise de Charles d‘Orléans, sous la direction du Professeur André Crépin. Elle poursuit ses recherches sur la poésie des XIVe et XVe siècles ; en particulier la poésie du duc d‘Orléans composée en moyen-français et moyen-anglais.