Trois puissantes femmes : Simone de Beauvoir, Gisèle Halimi, Djamila Boupacha : Entre lutte anticoloniale et combat féministe


  • Maya Boutaghou


[Abstract not available]

Author Biography

Maya Boutaghou

Maya Boutaghou is Assistant Professor in Modern Languages and Women Studies in the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University. From 2008 to 2010, she was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA (in the Center for
‘Cultures in Transnational Perspective‘), teaching in the Departments of Women‘s Studies and Comparative Literature. She completed her dissertation in Comparative Literature at the University of Limoges (France, 2006) exploring the link between the emergence of the historical novel and the construction of national and cultural identity in four major colonized areas (Australia, Bengal, Egypt, Mexico) at the end of the 19th century—now a book under contract with Honoré Champion, Paris, Occidentalismes: Romans historiques post-coloniaux et identité nationale. Her second book in progress is focused on plurilingual women writers in different colonial and postcolonial contexts (Egypt, Bengal, Mauritius, and Algeria), titled A Poetics of the Transcultural Subject. She has several articles accepted and published in peer-reviews journals (French Studies, International Journal of Francophone Studies, Dalhousie French Studies, Comparative Literary Studies). Since hired at FIU, she was involved in various activities for the students and the FIU community: symposiums in collaboration with her colleagues (“Crossing the Sahara and Back: African Feminism in Dialogue”, “The Legacy of the Algerian War”). In spring 2012, she held a Visiting Professor position at the University of Orléans.