Saisir l‘exil paternel dans deux récits de filiation : L‘Africain de J.M.G. Le Clézio, L‘Américain de F.O. Giesbert


  • Béatrice Vernier


[Résumé non disponible]

Author Biography

Béatrice Vernier

Béatrice Vernier is an Associate Professor at Lakehead University where she teaches French language and French literature. Her primary research focuses on the personal writings of five famous French painters, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Moreau, Redon and Léger in order to understand what drives them to write besides their pictorial expression. Her research also includes a new kind of intimate writing, “récit de filiation”, which mixes autobiography and biography. Her most recent publications include: two entries on Léocadie Doze and Zulma Carraud in Le Dictionnaire universel des femmes créatrices, (B. Didier, A. Fouque et M. Calle-Gruber eds) (2013); “Photographie et récit de filiation. L‘Africain de J.M.G. Le Clézio”, in University of Toronto Quarterly; 81.2; “Bouche cousue et La Reine du silence: une réconciliation intime et publique”, Women in French Studies (17).


