“No longer a minister. Shall I be a worm?”: Grandeur, renunciation and self-destruction in Albert Cohen‘s Solal


  • Liran Razinsky


[Abstract not available]

Author Biography

Liran Razinsky

Liran Razinsky is senior lecturer in the Program for Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies at Bar Ilan University, Israel. He works mainly in two fields, French and comparative literature, and psychoanalytic theory. His book, Freud, Psychoanalysis and Death, a study of the psychoanalytic approach to death, was published in 2013 by Cambridge University Press. He has published several papers on Jonathan Littell‘s The Kindly Ones (Les Bienveillantes) as well as co-authored Writing the Holocaust Today: Critical Perspectives on The Kindly Ones. (Rodopi, 2012). Razinsky also published on Bataille, Maupassant, Elias Khoury and Jorge Semprun (on which he edited an upcoming special issue of Yale French Studies). His current research project, “Fantasies of Self-Representation: From Classical Autobiography to the Digital Age,” focuses the stakes involved with representing oneself, both in autobiography and in more everyday self representation.


