Chaos and Corruption in the City in L-S Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris


  • Michael Mulryan


[Abstract not available]

Author Biography

Michael Mulryan

Michael J. Mulryan is Assistant professor of French and French literature at Christopher Newport University. He received his Ph.D in 2009 at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign. “A Grim Cycle of Life: The Indigent‘s Spatial Journey in Louis-Sébastien Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris (1781-88)” and “The Demoralization of Festive Space in L-S Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris” are among his previous publications on Mercier. With Denis Grélé from the University of Memphis, he co-edited Caught between Fact and Fiction: Eighteenth-Century Escape Tales (Bucknell University Press, 2014). Part of his research is dedicated to non-canonical authors‘ representation of eighteenth-century prisons.


