Deconstructing Seductive Images and Valorizing the Contributions of Working-Class Heroes: The Forgotten Music of Sixto Rodriguez and the Fiction of J.M.G. Le Clézio


  • Keith Moser


Cette étude montre que la musique perdue du chanteur mexicano-américain Sixto Rodriguez reflète souvent les mêmes soucis éthiques que nous découvrons dans la fiction de J.M.G. Le Clézio de 1963 au présent. Bien qu‘ils profitent de différents médiums artistiques dans un effort délibéré de donner une voix à  tous ceux qui souffrent de marginalisation à  cause de la majorité morale dans les sociétés de consommation néolibérales, leurs projets humanistes se croisent souvent. Pour être précis, les deux artistes affirment que le bonheur n‘est pas une marchandise qu‘on vend au plus offrant. Dans ce sens, Rodriguez et Le Clézio implorent le sujet moderne de déconstruire les simulacres financiers séducteurs et omniprésents qui nous entourent. De plus, ils nous rappellent que la classe ouvrière est l‘épine dorsale de chaque société.

This study demonstrates how the lost music of the Mexican-American songwriter Sixto Rodriguez echoes many of the same ethical concerns articulated by J.M.G. Le Clézio all throughout his diverse fiction from 1963 to the present. Although they take advantage of different artistic mediums in a calculated effort to give a voice to all of those who have been disenfranchised by the moral majority in neoliberal consumer republics, their humanistic projects often converge. Specifically, both artists posit that happiness is not a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder. In this regard, Rodriguez and Le Clézio compel the modern subject to deconstruct the seductive, commercial simulacra all around us. Moreover, they remind us that working-class individuals are the backbone of every society.

Author Biography

Keith Moser

Keith Moser is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Mississippi State University. He is the author of five full-length book projects. His latest monograph is entitled The Encyclopedic Philosophy of Michel Serres: Writing the Modern World and Anticipating the Future (2016). Moser has also contributed nearly sixty essays to peer-reviewed publications representing many divergent fields including French and Francophone studies, environmental ethics, ecocriticism, ecolinguistics, biosemiotics, social justice, popular culture, and Maghrebi/Harki literature.




