Moving mountains and waters? Maryline Desbiolles‘ connection to the non human


  • Lucile Desblache


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Lucile Desblache

LUCILE DESBLACHE is Reader in Translation and Comparative Literature at Roehampton University where she convenes the MA in Audiovisual Translation. Her main research interests lie in two areas: music and translation on the one hand, and environmental and animal representation in contemporary literature on the other. She is the author of the Bestiaire du roman contemporain d'expression française (2002), and of La Plume des bêtes. Les animaux dans le roman (L‘Harmattan, in press). She has edited and contributed to Écrire l'animal aujourd'hui (2006), and guest-edited an issue of L'Esprit créateur on Literature and Ecology (2006). She is the editor of JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation and the director of the Translation and Transcultural Studies Research Centre.




