Cultural Displacements in Marie Nimier‘s La Girafe


  • Walter Putnam


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Walter Putnam

Walter Putnam is Professor of French at the University of New Mexico. Following a B.A. in English at Duke University, he completed undergraduate and graduate degrees at the Université de Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), receiving his doctorate in comparative literature in 1985. He is the author of two scholarly monographs: L‘Aventure littéraire de Joseph Conrad et d‘André Gide (Stanford French and Italian Studies 67, Anma Libri, 1990) and Paul Valéry Revisited (Twayne World Author Series, 1995) and over thirty articles on French authors including Baudelaire, Jules Verne, and JMG Le Clézio. His recent publications deal with the question of the animal in relation to colonialism: “African Animals in the West: Can the Subaltern Growl?” in Remembering Africa (Ed.Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi), “Captive Audiences: A Concert for the Elephants in the Jardin des Plantes” in a thematic TDR issue on Animals and Performance (Ed. Una Chaudhuri) and a forthcoming article on “Animaux en peluche” in Performances et objets culturels (Ed. Louis Hébert).




