Repetition with a Difference: Returning a Voice to the Little Mermaid in Marie Nimier‘s Sirène and La Reine du Silence


  • Deborah Gaensbauer


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Deborah Gaensbauer

Deborah B. Gaensbauer is a professor in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Regis University. Her current research focuses on trauma narrative and auto-fiction in works by contemporary French and francophone women writers, with an emphasis on Marie Ndiaye and Chloé Delaume. Recent essays include “Further Outside the Bounds: Mobilization of the Fantastic as Trauma Narrative in Marie Ndiaye‘s En famille” in Margaret-Anne Hutton, ed., Redefining the Real: The Fantastic in Contemporary French and Francophone Women‘s Writing (2009) and “Women‘s Resistance Roles and Their Undoing in Three Works by Elsa Triolet” (Women in French Studies 2009). Her essay, “La Réécriture du Mythe de Médée dans les romans de Marie Ndiaye” is forthcoming in Constantin Grigoriou, ed., Mythes et symboles dans les littératures francophones.




