

  • Hans R. Runte
  • William Sayers
  • Edward Ousselin
  • Hope Christiansen
  • Carmen Mayer-Robin
  • Giuseppina Mecchia
  • Michael Brophy
  • Brian Gordon Kennelly
  • Keith Moser
  • Thérèse De Raedt
  • Jennifer Howell
  • Efstratia Oktapoda
  • Anne Quinney
  • Nancy Arenberg


Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline. A New History of Medieval French Literature. By Hans R. Runte.

Coski, Christopher. From Barbarism to Universality: Language and Identity in Early Modern France. By William Sayers.

Agin, Shane, ed. Sex Education in Eighteenth-Century France. By Edward Ousselin.

Smart, Annie K. Citoyennes: Women and the Ideal of Citizenship in Eighteenth-Century France. By Edward Ousselin.

Jovicic, Jelena, éd. La Modernité et la métropole: pour une lecture de l‘espace urbain au XIXe siècle. By Hope Christiansen.

Rogers. Peter. The Mystery Play in Madame Bovary: Moeurs de province. By Carmen Mayer-Robin.

Berthier, Philippe. Stendhal: Littérature, politique et religion mêlées. Par Giuseppina Mecchia.

Claudel, Paul. Théâtre I, Théâtre II. By Michael Brophy.

Laroche, Hadrien. The Last Genet: A Writer in Revolt. By Brian Gordon Kennelly.

Jannarone, Kimberly. Artaud and His Doubles. By Keith Moser.

Cazenave, Odile and Patricia Célérier. Contemporary Francophone African Writers and the Burden of Commitment. By Thérèse De Raedt.

Chirol, Marie-Magdeleine. Gaston Kaboré: Conteur visionnaire du cinéma africain. Par Jennifer Howell.

Gallant, Janine et Maurice Raymond, dir. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires de l‘Acadie des Maritimes, XXe siècle. Par Jennifer Howell.

Parayre, Catherine. Littératures francophones minoritaires (Canada, 1999-2010): Entretiens et textes. Par Jennifer Howell.

Bessy, Marianne. Vassilis Alexakis. Exorciser l‘exil. Par Efstratia Oktapoda.

Reader, Keith. The Place de la Bastille: The Story of a Quarter. By Anne Quinney.

Jensen, Katherine Ann. Uneasy Possessions: The Mother-Daughter Dilemma in French Women‘s Writings, 1671-1928. By Nancy Arenberg.





