No Dialogue? Mothers and Mothering in the Work of Marie Darrieussecq


  • Gill Rye


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Gill Rye

Gill Rye is Professor of French at the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London, UK, where she is Director of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women‘s Writing and convenor of the Contemporary Women‘s Writing in French Seminar and network. She has published widely in the field of women‘s writing in French, including articles and chapters on authors such as Marie Darrieussecq, Christine Angot, Hélène Cixous, Paule Constant, Marie NDiaye, Anne Garréta, and Lëila Marouane. She is author of Reading for Change (2001) and Narratives of Mothering (2009), and editor of Women‘s Writing in Contemporary France (with Michael Worton, 2002) and special issues of Dalhousie French Studies (2004), L‘Esprit Créateur (2005), Nottingham French Studies (with Carrie Tarr, 2006), and Journal of Romance Studies (with Debra Kelly, 2009). She is currently leading an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural network on Motherhood in post-1968 European literature.

