Mother of the Living Dead: Marguerite Duras
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Mechthild Cranston is Professor of French at Clemson University, where she has also taught Italian and Latin. Herself a published poet in France and the United States (most recently, Laying Ways: Texts and Pre-Texts, with a foreword by Germaine Bree [1990]), she has devoted most of her critical articles and books to the study of modern French poetry from Apollinaire to Char. She served for nine years as editor-in-chief of The Comparatist, and for two years as president of the Southern Comparative Literature Association. She has edited a collection of essays devoted to Marguerite Duras (In Language and in Love: Marguerite Duras: The Unspeakable [1992]), and in 1996 published Beyond the Book: Marguerite Duras, Infans, devoted to Duras' early work.
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