L'identité antillaise selon Patrick Chamoiseau
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Bonnie Thomas completed her PhD on contemporary French Caribbean literature in 2003 at The University of Western Australia. She immediately took up a position in French Studies at Macquarie University in Sydney, before returning to The University of Western Australia in 2004 as a lecturer in French and francophone literature. Bonnie has written widely on French Caribbean identity issues, most recently publishing a book entitled Breadfruit or Chestnut?: Gender Construction in the French Caribbean Novel (Lexington Books, USA, 2006). She is currently working on her second book project, which focuses on history, memory and resilience in contemporary French Caribbean literature. She has also been involved in organizing international conferences at The University of Western Australia, including the 2005 Australian Society of French Studies conference at which Maryse Condé and Richard Philcox were the keynote speakers.
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