New World Order: Racine and the Translatio Imperii


  • James F. Gaines


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Author Biography

James F. Gaines

James F. Gaines is Professor of French and Chair of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages at Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He has published over forty articles on social and philosophical aspects of such authors as Molière, Pierre Corneille, Boileau, Tallemant des Réaux, Garnier, and Mademoiselle de Scudéry, as well as a number of studies on the literature and culture of early French Louisiana. His books include: Social Structures in Molière's Theater, Pierre Du Ryer and His Tragedies: From Envy to Liberation, a critical edition of Du Ryer' s tragedy Lucrèce (with Perry Gethner), and Approaches to Teaching Molière's Tartuffe and Other Plays (with Michael S. Koppisch). He is currently completing a book-length study of Molière and Paradox and a critical edition of Le Page Du Pratz's Histoire de la Louisiane, and is editing A Molière Encyclopedia.

