In the Labyrinth of Discourse


  • Larry W. Riggs


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Larry W. Riggs

Larry W. Riggs, who received his Ph.D. in French literature from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1976, is Professor of French at Butler University, Indianapolis. He is the former Head of the Modern Foreign Languages Department and former Director of lnterdisciplinary Studies at Butler. He is the author of Molière and Plurality: Decomposition of the Classicist Self and Resistance to Culture in Molière, Flaubert, Laclos, and Camus. He has also written many articles and papers on a wide variety of literary and cultural topics. His "Dom Juan and Harpagon: Molière's Symbiotic Twin Archetypes of Modemity" and "Reason's Text as Palimpsest: Sensuality Subverts 'Sense' in Molière's Les femmes savantes" are forthcoming in Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature. "From Columbus to Eco-Tourism: The Conquistador as Cognitive Paradigm" appeared in Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate (Spring 1999). Dr. Riggs recently completed a new book-length study of Molière, and he gave a presentation at the 300th-Anniversary joint conference of the North American Society for Seveneenth-Century French Literature and the Société Racine (Santa Barbara, October 1999).

