Bajazet and Racinian Tragedy: Expectations and Difference


  • John Campbell


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Author Biography

John Campbell

John Campbell is Reader in French at the University of Glasgow, having previously taught in Lille, Nancy, and Bordeaux. He has published many studies on different aspects of seventeenth-century French literature, notably on tragedy and narrative prose, and particularly for French Studies and the Modern Language Review; the most recent, to appear in French Studies, is devoted to the purported "Jansenism" of Racinian tragedy. His books are Racine's "Britannicus" (1990) and Questions of Interpretation in "La Princesse de Clèves", the latter being a detailed analysis of common judgements of that novel. At present, with Nadia Margolis, he is editing a Festschrift on Christine de Pizan, due in late 2000, and is working on a new book on Racinian tragedy. He is past editor of Seventeenth-Century French Studies, and a Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques.

