Two Views of Césaire: Négritude and créolité


  • Richard D.E. Burton


Abstract not available / Résumé non disponible

Author Biography

Richard D.E. Burton

Richard D. E. Burton is Reader in French in the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton. He has published widely on nineteenth-century French literature and society (Baudelaire in 1859 [1980], Baudelaire and the Second Republic [1991], The Flâneur and his City: Patterns of Daily Life in Paris 1815-1851 [1994]), and is the author of numerous studies on French West Indian literature, culture, history and politics, most notably La famille coloniale: la Martinique et la Mère-Patrie 1789-1992 (1994). He is currently working on a study of contemporary Martinican literature entitled Le roman marron and has just completed a study of cultural resistance in the Caribbean entitled Afro-Creole: Power, Opposition and Play in Jamaica, Trinidad and Haiti.




