Some Gardens in the French Eighteenth-Century Novel


  • Catherine Rubinger


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Author Biography

Catherine Rubinger

Catherine Rubinger teaches French-Canadian literature and civilization, and French women's literature at Mount Saint Vincent University. She is the author of Visages de l'Acadie published by the Centre éducatif et culturel de Montréal. She has published articles on women in eighteenth-century France and New France, their education, the feminist "might-have-been," women and marriage in Louisbourg. She has also published on Montesquieu and eighteenth-century gardens. She is particularly interested in the letters of Madame Bégon. She has edited a book with Roland Bonnel, Femmes savantes et femmes d'esprit. Women Intellectuals of the French Eighteenth Century, which will be published by Peter Lang in 1994.

