Theurgy, Prayer, Participation, and Divinization in Dionysius the
Rebecca Coughlin
Author Biography
Rebecca Coughlin
Rebecca Coughlin holds an honours degree in religious
studies from McGill University and recently completed an MA in Classics at
Dalhousie University. In 2006 she presented a paper entitled “Theosis: The
Role of Theoria and Theurgia in the Dionysian corpus” at the International
Society for Neoplatonic Studies conference in Quebec City and attended a
colloquium in Montréal, entitled “Late Antique Crossroads in the Levant:
Space, Rituals, Texts and Daily life,” where she presented a paper on the
construction of space and ritual activity in the writings of
Pseudo-Dionysius. She currently lives in Halifax and can be reached at