Theurgy, Prayer, Participation, and Divinization in Dionysius the
Rebecca Coughlin
Biographie de l'auteur-e
Rebecca Coughlin
Rebecca Coughlin holds an honours degree in religious
studies from McGill University and recently completed an MA in Classics at
Dalhousie University. In 2006 she presented a paper entitled “Theosis: The
Role of Theoria and Theurgia in the Dionysian corpus” at the International
Society for Neoplatonic Studies conference in Quebec City and attended a
colloquium in Montréal, entitled “Late Antique Crossroads in the Levant:
Space, Rituals, Texts and Daily life,” where she presented a paper on the
construction of space and ritual activity in the writings of
Pseudo-Dionysius. She currently lives in Halifax and can be reached at