Frailty in Older Populations of Arabic-Speaking Countries: Protocol for a Scoping Review
Frailty, older adults, Arabic-speaking countries,Abstract
Introduction: With the globally aging population, the impact of frailty is expected to increase, and frailty has come into focus as a challenging manifestation of aging. Although frailty has been thoroughly investigated in developed countries, it has been understudied in developing countries. Like other countries worldwide, Arabic-speaking countries (ASCs) are experiencing an increase in the aging population; thus, the risk of frailty increases, and it becomes imperative to address the limitations of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of frailty in this area of the world.Objective: This protocol describes a scoping review that will investigate what is known about frailty in older adults living in ASCs. The aim is to synthesize and map the literature addressing the concept of frailty, its association with other geriatric conditions, and measurement tools used to identify or assess frailty among this subpopulation in this part of the world.Methods: This review will employ Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines (JBI). Studies considered for this review must involve the concept of frailty among older adults living in the Arabic-speaking world. Conclusion/Discussion: This scoping review protocol outlines the specific methodologies to improve the overall quality of the finalized scoping review. The finalized scoping review will present an overview of the current literature on frailty in older adults living in ASCs and summarize the knowledge gaps in frailty assessment and interventions.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amany Aly, Stephanie J. Kendall, Chris MacKnight, Olga Theou, Scott A. Grandy

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