Child Rights and Well-Being in Nova Scotia: A Critical Conversation


  • Kristyn Anderson SchoolsPlus Integrated Services
  • Cecilia Carrea Healthy Populations Institute, Dalhousie University
  • Charlene Gagnon YWCA Halifax
  • Jenna Hopson IWK Mental Health and Addictions
  • Sara F.L. Kirk Healthy Populations Institute, Dalhousie University
  • Lila Pavey IWK Mental Health and Addictions
  • N Siritsky Nova Scotia College of Social Work



Child Youth Rights Health Well-being


Childhood lays the foundations for lifelong health and well-being. Children and youth have a fundamental right to have their needs met and to have their health and well-being considered a priority. Nova Scotia is one of the last provinces in Canada to create an independent body focused on asserting and protecting children‘s rights. At present, legislation in support of an independent Child and Youth Commission (CYC) is being considered to monitor child rights and engage young people in conversations about the things that matter to them. On November 18, 2022, and in recognition of National Child Day, a “Fishbowl Conversation” panel presentation was convened, with the panel held in-person at Dalhousie University and an audience participating online. The panel engaged in a critical conversation about ongoing work in Nova Scotia aimed at addressing child rights and well-being, for the purpose of guiding the work of a CYC. This commentary article summarizes the recommendations from this panel, unifying the work from various reports and initiatives addressing child rights in the province.


Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities. (2022, March). Upstream investment: Placing infant, child and youth mental health promotion at the forefront: Executive summary [Policy brief]. files/2022/03/Policy-Brief-ES-.pdf

Dalhousie University Department of Pediatrics, & Healthy Populations Institute. (2022). One chance to be a child: A data profile to inform a better future for child and youth well-being in Nova Scotia. Retrieved July 3, 2022, from

Engage Nova Scotia. (n.d.). Overview of the NS Quality of Life Initiative.

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Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. (2021, March 2). Children and Family Services Act: 4-year review. wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CFSA- Review-Submission-Final.pdf

Pavey, L., Hopson, J., & Gagnon, C. (n.d.).Hearing them: Exploring the vulnerabilities and risk factors for commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth in Nova Scotia. 6f9ce1ec7093794c09/1665589615819/Hearing+them++Risks+Prevention.pdf

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2021, November 5). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: An overview for children and teenagers. health/services/national-child- day/united-nations-convention-rights- of-the-child.html

Stratford, A. (n.d.). Our vulnerable children, youth, and families deserve better. Nova Scotia College of Social Workers Blog. Retrieved July 3, 2022, from children-youth-and-families-deserve- better/

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