About the cover



Recently I visited a museum located in a formally abandoned, and now repurposed, power plant station (pictured lower left). Instead of demolishing the building, it was renewed and reused as a structure to house and share knowledge with the public. In the space surrounding this museum (which was formally a gas station) there is a vertical garden with over 15,000 plants, a full replica of a fossilized dinosaur skeleton, and many unique, architectural sculptures. I took this photo as a representation and exploration of the concept of sustainability - in both the natural environment and the world in which we live, and also metaphorically, in academic publishing and the pathways in which knowledge is generated, translated, mobilized, and commodified.

(Click "About the Cover.PDF" to read more)

Биография автора

Christie Stilwell, Dalhousie University

PhD in Health candidate, Faculty of Health

Co-founder/Co-Editor in Chief, Healthy Populations Journal (2020 - 2024)

The cover photo has two buildings; on the right the building is a mixture of old brick and new metal, the building to the left is covered in green plants.

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About the Cover