Information For Authors
Articles for the International Journal of Georesource and the Environment will be published online with open access, which will provide the fastest and the widest venue to reach the readers. All manuscripts must have high quality and meet the standard in the relevant fields. The work must be original. Authors are required to follow the instructions in preparing and submitting manuscripts.
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Click here for "Tips for preparing manuscripts"
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Manuscript Evaluation
Papers to be published in the journal will go through a rigorous peer reviewing process to ensure that they meet the journal standards. Each manuscript will be reviewed by an editor and two independent reviewers who have expertise in the relevant fields and are at arm's length from the authors. The reviewing process will normally be completed within three months. A paper to be accepted by the journal must have positive recommendations from at least two reviewers. Based on the outcome of the reviewing process, a research paper may be accepted for publishing by IJGE in "Articles" or "Technical Notes". We also welcome papers in "State-of-the-Art Reviews" and "Case Studies". The Editor-in-Chief will make a final decision on acceptance or rejection and inform directly the corresponding author the outcome of the manuscript. The decision by the Editor-in-Chief is final and not negotiable.