Culture as Treatment: A Pathway toward Indigenous Health Equity




culture, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous health equity


In this paper, we report on the process by which health equity has historically been conceptualized from a western lens, continuing to leave behind Native Nations. We present how the historical context impacts the present day disparities experiences by Indigenous communities in the US. We conclude with examples of Indigenous culture as treatment as a pathway towards achieving Indigenous health equity.

Biografia Autor

Autumn Asher BlackDeer, University of Denver

Dr. Autumn Asher BlackDeer is a queer decolonial scholar from the Southern Cheyenne Nation and serves as an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver. Her scholarship illuminates the impact of structural violence on American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Dr. BlackDeer centers Indigenous voices throughout her research by using quantitative approaches and big data as tools for responsible storytelling. Dr. BlackDeer is a racial equity scholar with an emphasis on Indigenous tribal sovereignty and is deeply committed to decolonizing the academy.


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