The Dalhousie University Libraries believe in the widespread dissemination of scholarship and knowledge in all forms. As part of our mission, we offer advice and a platform to help new and established journals publish their material online. We use Open Journal Systems publishing software to remove the technical and financial barriers that many independent journals face when deciding on a method of publication. By providing a publishing platform free of charge, we allow journals to focus on their subject matter while the library makes their scholarship available to a global audience.

For information about the Dalhousie Libraries' journal hosting services please contact


Browse our catalogue of titles below:


  • Conversations

    Conversations is accepting submissions for its first issue with a focus on 'Intentional Erasures.'

    Submitted papers that address the theme of ‘Intentional Erasures’ and its Sub-themes are particularly welcome:


    • Indigeneity, nationhood, and sovereignty
    • Colonial and postcolonial harms
    • Rigidity, white fragility, and institutional dominance
    • Reinforcers of erasures and remediation strategies (policies, programs, and practices) 
    • Dangers of discursive myths, ideological priorities, and dark chapters of national histories
    •  Community and collectivism as resistance
    • Accountability in the age of alt-right populism
    • Anti-racist, anti-colonial discourse and/or frameworks, resistance, or insubordination
    • Activism as healing, resistance and liberation
    • Erasures/Omissions in service conceptualisation, design, promotion, accessibility, delivery and utilization (education, health, housing, economic, culture, environment, immigration, employment, and legal/justice)

    Deadline for submission of papers is November 30, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.

    Refer to the "Submission Guidelines" section for more information on the paper submission process, 

  • Anti-Colonial Science: A Course Journal

    Welcome to the homepage of Anti-Colonial Science: A course journal. This journal features the work of students who take the eponymous course, taught by Dr. Aaron Sidney Wright at the University of King's College, in Kjipuktuk, Mi‘kma‘ki (Halifax, Nova Scotia). Pieces range from traditional essays to reflective peices that address the intersections of science, colonialism, and anti-colonial resistance throughout history. Student work undergoes unblinded peer-review by two-to-three other students in the class. The work is free to read and remix, subject to the terms of the Creative Commons lisence.
  • Allons-y: Journal of Children, Peace and Security

    In January 1994, General Dallaire, then the Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), sent a fax to UN headquarters in New York warning of the impending genocide. He signed the fax with the line “peux ce que veux. Allons-y” – “Where there‘s a will, there‘s a way. Let‘s go.” At the time, there was not a will among the international community, with lethal results for nearly a million Rwandans.

    Since then, General Dallaire has worked tirelessly to ensure that there is both a will and a way to prevent mass atrocities in the future. However, action must be informed by understanding for it to be effective, and this has led to General Dallaire‘s focus on preventing the recruitment and use of children in armed violence. The creation and adoption of the Vancouver Principles on Peacekeeping and the Prevention of the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers in 2017, is helping to focus and drive action by the international community to prevent the recruitment and use of children in armed violence through ensuring that security sector actors are trained and prepared to prevent recruitment. Doing so requires learning from experiences and sharing knowledge on all aspects of training, education, research, and prevention in this area.

    Published since 2016, the Dallaire Institute annual publication Allons-y, now has a focus on supporting the implementation of the Vancouver Principles. In this and future issues, commentaries and peer-reviewed research and policy articles will focus on all aspects of the implementation of the Vancouver Principles. The articles provide guidance, policy recommendations, and new knowledge to support the international community‘s work to end the recruitment and use of children in armed violence.

  • Proceedings of the Atlantic Universities‘ Teaching Showcase

    These proceedings are produced by the Association of Atlantic Universities' Coordinating Committee on Faculty Development from the annual Atlantic Universities' Teaching Showcase hosted by a member institution.
  • Healthy Populations Journal

    The Healthy Populations Journal (HPJ) is a multi-faculty, student-led, open-access, peer-reviewed journal housed at the Healthy Populations Institute (HPI) at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Our mission is to identify and disseminate research which mobilizes evidence to improve population health and global health equity.

    Population health is thinking beyond the health of an individual and looking at the health outcomes of a whole community. It considers all the factors that influence the overall health of a specific population including the social and structural conditions in which people are born, work, live, and age.

    Differences in the social determinants of health result in health inequities – the unnecessary or unjust conditions that result in differences in people‘s health status or health outcomes.  We can achieve our population health goals by focusing on reducing health inequities, drawing attention to the variety of factors that are known to have impact on individual and community health. The HPJ champions building health equity by disseminating research which addresses the fundamental causes and structural barriers of unhealthy lives and communities around the world. It is imperative that we research the wider determinants of health and create solutions that allow all members of a population to be well.

    Latest Publications:

    Summer: The Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Abstracts issue is out now (July 2024)! Click here to read.

    Spring: The Special Issue on Improving Black Health Outcomes was created in partnership with HPI's Improving the Health Outcomes of People of African Descent Flagship Project as an outcome of the First International Black Health Conference (IBHC). Scroll down (or click here) to see Volume 4, Issue 1 (April 2024)


    Look for the next HPJ issue in Fall 2024.

    We are open to submissions for the HPJ special issue on Interprofessional Health Education. Submit here by September 20 at 5:00 pm AST. We are also seeking peer reviewers for this issue. Please email us at if you're interested.

  • Canadian Journal of Law and Technology

    Canada's leading law and technology journal.

    The Canadian Journal of Law and Technology (CJLT) is an established legal journal dedicated to providing coverage of legal issues relating to law and technology from both Canadian and international perspectives.

    Published twice a year since 2002, CJLT is edited by Robert Currie and Lucie Guibault of Dalhousie's Law and Technology Institute, and published by Thomson Carswell. The journal features articles, comments and book reviews on law and technology issues.  The Dalhousie OJS website hosts CJLT content one year after initial publication. Current online and hard copy issues of the CJLT are available by subscription from Thomson Carswell.

  • Dalhousie French Studies

    DALHOUSIE FRENCH STUDIES is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of French and Francophone literature.

    The Dalhousie Medical Journal was established in 1936 and is the oldest student-run peer-reviewed medical journal in Atlantic Canada.

    Much like our medical school, we feature a mix of both science and humanities. The primary goal of the journal is to increase student participation in research and writing, while offering an interesting product for the Dalhousie medical community. In the past the journal has primarily published the work of Dalhousie medical students and residents. However, we encourage submissions from members of all allied health professions at any level of training.

    We also consider submissions from individuals based at institutions outside of the Dalhousie community. We invite you to browse our latest issue and consider submitting manuscripts or humanities pieces using our online submission system.

  • Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management

    The Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM) is a diamond open-access and peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal that publishes works submitted by graduate students at Dalhousie University. The purpose of the journal is to provide an accessible platform for early-career researchers and early-career professionals to share their works with the academic community.

    The Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management is a student-led initiative aimed at publishing Dalhousie graduate student work of the highest quality and significance in all areas of management.
  • Dionysius

    Dionysius is the journal of Dalhousie University's Department of Classics and reflects the established character of its work. It publishes articles on the history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristic theology, and their nachleben. It has a special interest in the Aristotelian and Neoplatonic traditions.

    Dionysius considers philosophy's relation, both negative and positive, to Christian belief in both ancient and modern times. As well as philosophical articles, Dionysius will publish articles on Classical and later literature and history, and on Hellenic, Christian, Jewish and Islamic religion, especially when they have a connection to philosophical questions.

    *** We are now pleased to offer free access to digital versions of Dionysius both past and current through Dalhousie Online Journal Systems (OJS). ***

  • Initial(e)s

    Founded in 1981, Initial(e)s is a bilingual journal (English / French) offering graduate students an initial entry into the realm of publication. The articles printed in the journal undergo a selection process that is at once rigorous and didactic; students' submissions are reviewed by specialists in their respective fields.

  • The Dalhousie Review


    Bart Vautour

    Managing Editor

    Stephanie Domet

    Associate Editors

    Sue Goyette (Poetry), Heather Jessup (Fiction), Erin Wunker (Creative Non-Fiction)

  • Hinge: A Journal of Contemporary Studies

    Hinge: A Journal of Contemporary Studies publishes essays and creative works from the interdisciplinary Contemporary Studies Programme at the University of King's College.
  • Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography

    The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography (JUE) is an online publication for undergraduate academic writing. The JUE seeks to publish original ethnographic research by undergraduate students working in a variety of disciplines. Our goal is to bring readers insights into subcultures, practices, and social institutions. We expect crossovers with anthropology, sociology, urban studies, and area studies, as well as programs in education, design, or management.

  • International Journal of Georesources and Environment - IJGE (formerly Int'l J of Geohazards and Environment)

    IJGE provides an international open forum for researchers and practitioners to publish scholarly and high quality original papers, state-of-the-art reviews and case studies on a wide range of topics relevant to development and use of the natural resources existing on the Earth and associated environmental issues. For topics, see below.
    Editor-in-Chief: D.H. Steve Zou, Professor, Dalhousie University

    Interdisciplinary - Science, Engineering and Technology

    Original Research, New Developments and Case Studies.

    - Mineral Resources Extraction
    - Materials Processing and Utilization
    - Geo-Construction Engineering
    Geohazards and Environment


  • Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (NSIS)

    The Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science is a peer-reviewed online journal that will consider for publication original articles principally, but not exclusively, in the areas of natural and engineering sciences as well as papers emanating from studies in the health professions. Papers that develop new scientific theories based on scientific principles and/or analysis of data particular to Nova Scotia or the Atlantic Provinces are particularly encouraged.

    The Proceedings of the NSIS are supported in part by a grant from the Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Government of Nova Scotia, with the support of the Nova Scotia Museum.

    This journal is indexed/abstracted in:

    Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, GeoRef, Zoological Record, CAB Abstracts

    ISSN: 2292-7743

    Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor, Dr. Peter G. Wells  Email: or

  • Tooth & Claw

    Tooth & Claw's editing team are currently reviewing the accepted submissions. We look forward to publishing our 12th volume in the fall of 2015!

    Tooth & Claw, a journal of student-written essays, is published annually by the History of Science and Technology (HOST) Society at the University of King's College.

  • YA Hotline

    The YA Hotline is a bi-annual newsletter published by the Department of Information Science at Dalhousie University. The newsletter contains a large amount of information and resources for both young adults and young adult librarians including book reviews, resource lists, bibliographies, feature articles, interviews and more.

    The editor of the newsletter is Vivian Howard, Associate Professor at the Dalhousie Department of Information Science. The articles in each newsletter are written by graduate students in INFO 6250 Services and Resources for Young Adults, an elective course in Dalhousie's Master of Information (MI) program

  • Pseudo-Dionysius

    'Quid omnium agere te maxime iuvat, Pu?'

    'Quod -' dixit Pu, 'quod me maxime iuvat -' et ei intermittendum erat ut cogitaret.'


    'Me quoque hoc iuvat,' dixit Christophorus Robinus, 'sed quod agere me maxime iuvat est Nihil.'

    First published in 1999, Pseudo-Dionysius is run by undergraduate and graduate students at Dalhousie University and the University of King‘s College. It offers the opportunity for university students at all levels to publish their work.

  • Nova Scotia Museum

    Research is one of the fundamental activities of the Nova Scotia Museum.  Museum publications share research about our collection and encourage related research by others to advance our understanding of the world.  The Museum publishes Curatorial Reports, books reviewed by staff and reports designed to support exhibits and programs.

  • Verso: An Undergraduate Journal of Literary Criticism

    Verso: An Undergraduate Journal of Literary Criticism publishes essays from Dalhousie University English Department's undergraduate students. It is an initiative of the Dalhousie English Society.