À propos de cette revue

DALHOUSIE FRENCH STUDIES is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of French and Francophone literature.


Numéro courant

No. 124 (2023): Philippe Vilain, romancier de la pensée critique
					Afficher No. 124 (2023): Philippe Vilain, romancier de la pensée critique

Sous la direction de
Francesco Paolo Alexandre Madonia

Publié-e: 2024-06-24


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The Editors of DFS have the honour and the privilege to announce that our contributor Luke Warde, from Trinity College Dublin, has been selected as runner-up for the highly prestigious annual Malcolm Bowie Prize, which has been awarded yearly since 2008 by the Society for French Studies, “for the best article published in the preceding year by an early-career researcher in the broader discipline of French Studies”. Dr. Warde‘s article “Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Trolling for Another Time?”, published in DFS 118, p. 165–179, has been selected from a rich slate of 36 submissions, evaluated by a panel made up of Drs. Diana Holmes (Leeds, Panel Chair and SFS Vice-President), Shirley Jordan (Newcastle), Judith Miller (NYU), Michael Syrotinski (Glasgow and President of SFS), and Downing Thomas (Iowa). More information available on the website of the Society for French Studies at the following link: https://www.sfs.ac.uk/prizes/malcolm-bowie-prize

This recognition is all the more significant for our journal, as this is the second year in a row that a DFS author has reached this important milestone. Our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Luke Warde, with our very best wishes for a long and fruitful research career.