Experimental Study on the Formation of Debris Flow from Landslide Clastic Deposition


  • Xing Qi State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazards Prevention and Geo-environment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu
  • Bin Yu State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazards Prevention and Geo-environment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu
  • Junqian Ren State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazards Prevention and Geo-environment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu




clastic deposition, debris-flow, grading, initiation flow, discharge formula


The Debris Flow from Landslide Clastic Deposition is a special type of debris flow originated from landslide collapse following earthquakes or strong rainfalls. The consequential accumulation of debris in the channels will become the source for debris flows later when there is sufficient rainfall. Due to massive loose materials produced by landslide, the amount of rainfall required for debris flow happening is significantly less than before the occurrence of landslide. The analysis of start mechanisms of debris flow is of great significance for disaster prevention and control. This research explores the characteristic parameters affecting the initiation of debris flow from clastic accumulation, including surface slope of clastic accumulation, soil clay content, median grain size and non-uniformity coefficient. The experimental results suggest that neither the surface slope nor the clay content but the median grain diameter and non-uniformity coefficient in clastic deposition have significant influence on required discharge per unit width. Moreover, the initiation and erosion unit width flow increases when median grain diameter and non-uniformity coefficient increase. Based on experimental data, formulas calculating unit width discharge are developed. Furthermore, compared with the hydrologic calculation value, these formulas are validated with the influences of median particle size and non-uniformity coefficient in debris-flows in Niujuan and Wenjia gully.



