2024 Call for Proposals


Deadline: August 16th 2024 

 The association of Atlantic Universities are pleased to partner with Acadia University to host the 2024 Annual AAU Teaching Showcase in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mik’maq people and part of the beautiful Annapolis Valley in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. The 2024 AAU Teaching Showcase will take place in person on Saturday, November 2nd 2024 at Acadia University.  

Proposals selected from this call for submissions will be invited to have their work included in the conference proceedings. 

 Areas of Interest for this year’s conference 

Proposals will be received from all areas of teaching and learning with a specific interest in the following areas: 

 Fostering Hope in Teaching: 

  • Holistic practices in teaching
  • Mentorship
  • Building communities of practice
  • Playful pedagogies
  • Land-based learning

Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning: 

  • Students as partners
  • Experiential learning
  • Student-centred learning
  • Expanding learning beyond the classroom
  • Emphasizing student voice

Cultivating Inclusivity

  • Increasing accessibility
  • Decolonization initiatives and indigenization of pedagogies
  • Culturally responsive pedagogies
  • Student wellbeing and inclusive design
  • Antiracist pedagogies

Digital Transformation in Higher Education: 

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education
  • Educational technologies
  • Blended and flexible learning strategies
  • Multimodal assessments


Proposals are open to presenters who are affiliates or affiliates or members of an AAU institution submitting proposals on teaching and learning in higher education. 

Submit Proposals via Open Journal Systems (OJS) 

We will be using Open Journal Systems (OJS) to review all proposals, and to publish them following the conference. To submit to OJS, you will need to first let us know of your intent to submit so we can create a secure account for you in OJS. 

  • Email teaching@acadiau.ca with “Intent to submit AAU Proposal” as the subject
  • Include your name and preferred email address

You will receive an email from OJS prompting you to set a password for your account, and with detailed instructions on how to submit your proposal. Check your junk/spam folder! 

Proposal Guidelines 

All proposals should include the following information in a single document submitted to Open Journal Systems (OJS) following the creation of your OJC account (see instructions above). 

  1. Presenter(s) and Organization - Identify the author(s) and organization(s) for the proposal
  2. Short Bio - Short bio (under 100 words) for each presenter
  3. Formats – Proposals can be for two possible formats: 
  4. Paper/presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions)
  5. Workshop (75 minutes)
  6. Session Title - Provide a title for the proposed session
  7. Keywords - Provide up to three keywords
  8. Areas of Interest - Indicate relevant areas of interest for the proposal
  9. Proposal (400 words max) - The proposal should
    1. Demonstrate the present relevance to teaching and learning in higher education
    2. Name clear learning outcomes
    3. Reference pertinent literature
    4. Be of interest to a multidisciplinary audience
    5. Connect with at least one areas of interest identified above

For workshops, in addition to the above, proposals for workshops should:  

  1. Demonstrate a clear plan for the 75 minutes including a sample agenda 
  2. Information of the interactive elements of the workshop
  3. Any space, technology or material requirements for the workshop

* There will be a limited number of spaces for workshops compared to presentations. 


Provide up to three citations, not included in the proposal word count. 

Register for the Conference 

To register to attend the 2024 AAU Teaching Showcase, follow this link:  

Acadia University | Ticketing - 2024 AAU Teaching Showcase (universitytickets.com)