Lessons learned teaching in living classrooms

Reflections on co-creating “Equity by Design” field schools


  • Andrea Morash
  • Lisa Dawn Hamilton Mount Allison University
  • Susan Andrews Mount Allison University


A robust body of scholarship explores the transformative power of internationalization in higher education. At the same time, a growing body of work articulates and aims to identify ways to address the significant barriers to participation in these rich educational opportunities. The significance of international teaching for faculty, particularly our pedagogical practice, is comparatively less well understood. This interdisciplinary, interactive workshop will explore how university educators’ teaching practice both informs and is shaped by the experience of bringing faculty-led, short-term study abroad programs to life. The workshop will have three parts: 1) we will begin with a presentation in which the authors speak to their field school experiences, 2) we will welcome questions and comments from workshop participants as a whole, and 3) in small groups (led by authors) we will pursue four questions through discussion.





