No. 80 (2007): Magazines for Girls : La Petite Mort, or Just Plain Dead?

					View No. 80 (2007): Magazines for Girls : La Petite Mort, or Just Plain Dead?
With teens seemingly living on online social websites and using the library more as a Vídeo store than a place to gather reading material, are magazines even popular anymore? I believe this issue answers that with a resounding "Fo' shizzle" (which is teen-speak for "duh"). Now, more than ever, teens are turning to magazines maybe not for the latest celeb drama (gossip blogs have that covered), but for info on fashion, health concerns and of course... embarrassing stories!

This issue of YA Hotline explores all ofthe great ways librarians can use magazines to reach their teen patrons. Our editors plum the depths of their teen years - humiliating stories and prom tales included! Some of us loved magazines as teens (see our tribute to the late, ìamented Sassy), others express their “outsider perspective.”

After the months-long process of devouring every teen mag we could lay our hands on, we’ve gathered up hot info for all youth services librarians. We tackle everything fiom programming and collections issues to body image and feminism. On a lighter note, we have loads of fun stuff like “Astrology from the stacks” or our quiz in Librarian Style.

This issue is full to the brim with everything magazine... nothing "periodical" about it! (Sorry, library humour)
Published: 2012-01-10