Title Page and About the Cover Art


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Allons-y: Journal of Children, Peace and Security

Volume 4 | March 2020

ISSN: 2371-4387 (Print), 2371-4395 (Online)

Editors: Catherine Baillie Abidi and Dustin Johnson

Contributors: Catherine Baillie Abidi, Jo Becker, Victoria Bryce, Laura Cleave, Roméo Dallaire, Valentina Falco, Dustin Johnson, Marion Laurence, Allyssa Walsh, Alec Wargo, Bill Watkins, and Shelly Whitman

Design and Production: Megan Churney

Front Cover and Interior Art: Jessica Wiebe

Back Cover Photo: UN Photo/Stuart Price

Publisher: The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Editors would like to thank the Dallaire Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security for their funding in support of this issue, and the peer reviewers for their critical contributions to this issue of Allons-y.

The views, opinions, and analyses expressed in this volume are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, Dalhousie University, or the authors‘ respective employers.

é 2020 the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

About the Cover Art:

“Having been deployed to Afghanistan as a soldier and having seen the reality of children living in war first-hand, the Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative resonates with me on many levels. I believe in education and the power of collaboration. I admire the Dallaire Initiative‘s approach to collaboration with concerned governments, security sector actors, academics, humanitarians and civilian communities to elevate children‘s rights, well-being, and security in war and conflict zones - especially the direct work with soldiers, police, prison personnel, and private security operators which is critical to the interruption of children‘s recruitment on the ground.”

Interdisciplinary artist Jessica Lynn Wiebe is a former artillery soldier in the Canadian military whose body of work centers on reflections of militarism, military life, memory and commemoration. Her interdisciplinary approach investigates the mechanisms of war, including the complex politics around gender, economy, architecture of war, and the human condition. By engaging and challenging deeply-held beliefs and emotions about the military and war, her work generates dialogue among members of the public, government, and those who serve. Jessica was born and raised in Brandon, Manitoba, and currently practices in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Wiebe participated in the Canadian Forces Artist Program (CFAP) 2018–2019 through the Canadian War Museum (CWM) in Ottawa. Currently, Jessica is the artist in residence at the Centre for Art Tapes (CFAT) in Halifax, NS.






Front Matter