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No. 81 (2007): Representations of Trauma in French and Francophone Literature
No. 81 (2007): Representations of Trauma in French and Francophone Literature
Études réunies par Nicole Simek et Zahi Zalloua
Nicole Simek
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Histoire(s) du cinéma and the Polemical Image
Tom Conley
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"II était une fois...": Trauma and the Fairytale in Amélie Nothomb's Robert des noms propres
Siobhán McIlvanney
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From Le Printemps to Les Tragiques: Trauma, Self-Narrative and the Metamorphosis of Poetic Identity in Agrippa d'Aubigné
Zahi Zalloua
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The Changing Shapes of Trauma in the Fictional Writings of Helene Parmelin (1915-1997)
Maïr Verthuy
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Nouvelle écriture « engagée » de Chantal Chawaf: thérapie contre les guerres et les souffrances ?
Metka Zupančič
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The Wounds of Algeria in Pied-Noir Autobiography
Amy L. Hubbell
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Tout cela n'est que souvenir rapporté: Representing and Reconstructing Memory in the Work of Charlotte Delbo
Elizabeth Scheiber
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Iphis & Iante : traumatisme de l'incomplétude lesbienne au Grand Siècle
Marianne Legault
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Trauma and the bilingual subject in Nancy Huston's L'Empreinte de l'ange
Loraine Day
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Exploring the Depths of Trauma: Identitary Instability in Mokeddem's L'interdite
Christa Jones
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Resurrecting the Lost Mother: Postmemory and Mourning in Moati's Mon enfant, ma mère
Nancy Arenberg
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Textualizing Trauma in Samira Bellil's Dans l'enfer des tournantes and Fabrice Génestal's La squale
Susan Ireland
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Production testimoniale : « je » de témoins, enjeux de victimes dans L'Ombre d'lmana. Voyages jusqu'au bout du Rwanda
Pascale Perraudin
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"Child in the Water" The Spectacle of Violence in Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigné's Les Tragiques
Kathleen Long
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Lit. Crit. Traumatized: the Case of Romain Gary's Autobiographical Fiction
Marie-Pierre Le Hir
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Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and the "Little Secret": The Resistance of Elie Wiesel and Anne-Lise Stern
Colin Davis
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