E-Canada and the Emerging Cyber Attack Exigency


  • Craig MacEachern


Information in Society


This paper examines the growing concern surrounding cyber-attacks, and warns about the possible impacts of a cyber-attack upon Canadian e-government, economy, and infrastructure. This paper covers historical examples of cyber-attacks on a global scale, then focuses on Canadian e-government vulnerabilities, and suggests some ways in which Canadian government must adapt its domestic security and internet policies to confront the future inevitability of cyber-attacks.  

Author Biography

Craig MacEachern

Craig MacEachern came tumbling up in the small mill town of Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton. His interests lie in computer security, computer culture, and global politics. This paper was originally developed for INFO 5500: Information in Society. Craig is a first year Library and Information Studies student at Dalhousie, and currently works at Dalhousie's iLab as a Research Assistant.


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