Aboriginal Mental Healthcare in Canada: The role of alternative service delivery in transforming the provision of mental health services


  • Danika Kowpak Dalhousie University
  • Lynne Gillis Dalhousie University


With growing complexity surrounding the issue of mental health, there is increased pressure for healthcare providers to engage in Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) and collaborative service delivery. Moreover, Aboriginal mental health has historically been an area of high concern and controversy, due to the high incidence of mental illness within this population. The unique social and cultural contexts that impact the type of healthcare services provided, and how these services are organized and delivered, require special consideration to be made when designing ASD models for Aboriginal mental healthcare. This paper seeks to identify current ASD initiatives being undertaken in Canada, while exploring the need for innovative and collaborative service delivery initiatives related to Aboriginal mental health, identifying current gaps and potential barriers to service delivery. 

Author Biographies

Danika Kowpak, Dalhousie University

Danika Kowpak is a recent grad (2014) of the combined Master of Public Administration/Master of Library and Information Studies program at Dalhousie University. Danika currently works as a policy analyst at the provincial government level, and has experience working with the federal government. Danika has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from St. Francis Xavier University. This paper was originally written for Dr. Robert (Bob) Moody‘s Alternative Program/Service Delivery class (PUAD 6300).

Lynne Gillis, Dalhousie University

Lynne Gillis is a recent grad (2014) of the Master of Public Administration program at Dalhousie University. Lynne is currently a Senior Research Analyst, and has experience working with both the public and private sectors in industries such as education, healthcare, energy, and transportation. Lynne has a Bachelor of Business degree from St. Francis Xavier University with Honours in Marketing, and has been published by the Administrative Science Association of Canada.


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